Replacement Reaction: Tin and Zinc


Solutions containing 3M HCl are corrosive and toxic.

Chemicals and Solutions

  • 0.5M Tin (II) chloride
  • Zinc metal


Place the zinc in the stannous chloride solution. Tin will be plated out. (The presence of acid in the solution means that hydrogen gas will also be formed).

Hint: tin (II) chloride solution (0.5M)

Dissolve 112.5 g SnCl.2HO in 1 L of 3M HCl


\( \ce{ SnCl2_{(aq)} + Zn_{(s)} -> ZnCl2_{(aq)} + Sn_{(s)} } \)

\( \ce{ Zn_{(s)} + 2HCl_{(aq)} -> H2_{(g)} + ZnCl2_{(aq)} } \)